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Senior Backend Engineer (Search and Discovery - Product Discovery)



Software Engineering, Product
Seoul, South Korea
Posted on Monday, September 4, 2023


Senior Backend Engineer (Search and Discovery)   

Team Overview  

The Recommendation team is responsible for Coupang’s related product recommendation, personalized gateway, widget ranking, and product review quality. Related product recommendation is a fast-growing area and we are continuously improving recommendation quality to help more and more customers find the best products for them. We have also started investing in personalized Gateway, aiming to build one of the best e-commerce discovery experiences. We use the state of the art Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies, and we continuously innovate and build highly scalable systems to support the growing business and customer engagement. 


About the Role  

As a Senior Backend Engineer for Recommendations, you will be responsible for the design, development and maintenance of the Recommendation ecosystem. This encompasses our online ranking system, multiple data pipeline that produces the features (offline and online) used across our different ranking logics, a serving system that produces content for most of Coupang app. You will need to collaborate closely with the Silicon Valley team that share ownership of the system. 


Key Responsibilities:  

  • Own the Recommendation service, one of the most critical for Coupang to make sure we are wowing customers constantly. 
  • Collaborate tightly with the Silicon Valley team to co-build a world class recommendation system
  • Knit across teams by collaborating with product managers and designers and other functions to build holistic experience that's right for Coupang users.
  • Lead each step of the product development process, from ideation to implementation to release; from rapidly prototyping, running A/B tests, to architecting and building solutions that can scale to support millions of users.
  • Contribute best-in-class programming skills to develop highly innovative consumer-facing mobile products 



  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or electrical/electronic engineering, mathematics or equivalent 
  • 2+ years of relevant industry experience with distributed systems, transactional datastores, and systems programming 
  • 2+ years of solid work with fundamental algorithms, system design, and large distributed systems 
  • 2+ years of coding experience in one of the following: with: C++, Java, Scala 
  • Experience in building and owning critical user-facing API platform and corresponding backend data systems, and solving complex design, scaling, latency, or performance problems in high-volume low-latency distributed systems
  • Strong communication skills 


Preferred Qualifications:  

  • Professional Korean proficiency 
  • Experience in distributed processing using EMR, Spark, Hive, or other big data framework
  • Experience in Stream-processing systems (Kafka, Storm, Spark-Streaming or equivalent)
  • Excellent communicator with great listening skills, growth mindset and can-do attitude 


전형 절차 및 안내 사항

  • 전형 절차
    • 서류전형 - 전화면접 - 대면면접 – 최종 합격
    • 전형 절차는 직무별로 다르게 운영될 수 있으며, 일정 및 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다. 
    • 전형 일정 및 결과는 지원서에 등록하신 이메일로 개별안내드립니다. 
  • 참고 사항
    • 본 공고는 모집 완료 시 조기 마감될 수 있습니다. 
    • 지원서 내용 중 허위사실이 있는 경우에는 합격이 취소될 수 있습니다.
    • 보훈대상자 및 장애인 여부는 채용 과정에서 어떠한 불이익도 미치지 않습니다. 
  • 개인정보 처리방침
  • 서류 반환 정책
    • 본 고지는 『채용절차의 공정화에 관한 법률』 제11조 제6항에 따른 것입니다.  
    • 당사 채용에 응시한 구직자 중 최종 합격이 되지 못한 구직자는 『채용절차의 공정화에 관한 법률』에 따라 제출한 채용서류의 반환을 청구할 수 있음을 알려 드립니다. 다만, 홈페이지 또는 전자우편으로 제출된 경우나 구직자가 당사의 요구 없이 자발적으로 제출한 경우에는 그러하지 아니하며, 천재지변이나 그 밖에 당사에게 책임 없는 사유로 채용서류가 멸실된 경우에는 반환한 것으로 봅니다.  
    • 위 2항 본문에 따라 채용서류 반환 청구를 하는 구직자는 채용서류 반환청구서 [채용절차의 공정화에 관한 법률 시행규칙 별지 제3호 서식]를 작성하여 당사 채용팀 (서울시 송파구 송파대로 570 타워730 쿠팡채용팀) 으로 제출하면, 제출이 확인된 날로부터 14일 이내에 지정한 주소지로 등기우편을 통하여 발송해 드립니다. 이 경우 등기우편요금은 수신자 부담으로 하게 되오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.  
    • 당사는 위 2항 본문에 따른 구직자의 반환 청구에 대비하여 채용 여부가 확정된 날로부터 180일간 구직자가 제출한 채용서류 원본을 보관하게 되며, 그때까지 채용서류의 반환을 청구하지 아니할 경우에는 『개인정보 보호법』에 따라 지체 없이 채용서류 일체를 파기할 예정입니다.