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Staff, QA Engineer(Core)



Quality Assurance
Seoul, South Korea
Posted 6+ months ago

* English version will follow

[회사 소개]

쿠팡은 고객이 쿠팡 앱을 열어보는 순간부터 상품을 문 앞으로 배송받는 순간까지, 고객 한 분 한 분에게 감동을 줄 수 있도록 쇼핑의 경험을 새롭게 창조하고 있습니다. 뛰어난 엔드투엔드(end-to-end) 이커머스와 물류 네트워크, 그리고 고집스러울 정도로 고객만을 생각하는 문화를 바탕으로 쿠팡은 속도, 상품 선정, 그리고 가격 중 그 무엇도 포기하지 않았습니다. 쿠팡은 신선식품을 포함한 수백만 개의 상품을 단 몇 시간 내에 전국 단위로 1년 365일 배송하는 혁신을 실현하였습니다. 이 모두는 한국 커머스 시장의 수백 만 고객을 위한 쿠팡의 노력입니다. 한국은 세계 어느 나라 보다 크고 빠르게 성장하는 커머스 기회를 가진 시장입니다.

[주요 업무]

  • 프로젝트를 우수한 품질로 기한 내에 달성하기 위해 스크럼팀에 참석
  • 문제 해결을 지원하기 위해 결함과 그 근본 원인을 능동적으로 분석하고 개발자에게 상세한 정보 제공
  • 복잡한 소프트웨어 시스템 아키텍처 및 설계 이해
  • 테스트 전략을 설계하고 포괄적인 테스트 계획과 테스트 케이스 생성
  • 코드가 테스트가 적절한 수준(Unit, API, UI)에서 수행되도록 하고, 불필요한 테스트 케이스를 줄이고, 테스트 효율성 향상
  • 개발자 및 QA와 협력하여 테스트 가능성 및 자동화 프레임워크를 개선하고, 팀과 협력하여 테스트 범위 확장
  • 팀 내부 및 모든 팀의 테스트 모범 사례를 수립하고 추진
  • 개발 및 테스트 이슈를 수집, 분석 및 요약하여 정보 제공, 문제 파악, 필요에 따라 솔루션에 기여

[자격 요건]

  • 8년 이상의 소프트웨어 개발 또는 테스트 경험
  • 블랙/화이트 박스 테스트, 카오스 테스트, 성능 테스트와 같은 소프트웨어 테스트 방법론에 대한 풍부한 지식
  • JUnit, Cucumber, Selenium, Appium, SoapUI과 같은 유닛 및 자동화 테스트 프레임워크에 대한 경험
  • Python, Java, Shell, Perl 등 스크립트 및 프로그래밍 언어 경험
  • 동시에 여러 테스트 프로젝트를 관리하고, 우선순위에 따라 작업 준비
  • 유연하고 독립적이며 스스로 동기 부여하는 성격
  • 뛰어난 영어 읽기 및 쓰기 능력
  • 컴퓨터 과학, 공학, 정보 기술 또는 관련 분야의 학사 이상 학위

English version

[Company Introduction]

Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. Powered by an outstanding end-to-end e-commerce and logistics network and a fanatical culture of customer centricity, Coupang has broken tradeoffs around speed, selection and price. Today, we provide exceedingly fast shipping speeds on millions of items including fresh groceries, delivered within hours nationwide, 365 days a year. We are doing this for millions of consumers in Korea. Korea is home to one of the largest and fastest growing commerce opportunities anywhere in the world.

[Key Responsibilities]

  • Participate in a scrum team to ensure the high-quality and on-time delivery of the project.

  • Proactively analyze defects and their root cause and provide detailed information to developers

    to help fix the issue.

  • Understand complex software system architecture and design.

  • Design test strategy and create comprehensive test plans and test cases.

  • Ensure code is tested at the appropriate level (Unit, API, UI), reduce unnecessary test cases,

    improve testing efficiency.

  • Collaborate with developers and QA to improve testability, automation framework, work with

    team to increase test coverage.

  • Establish and drive testing best practices within and across teams.

  • Provide information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing development and testing issues,

    identifying problems, and contributing to solutions as needed.


  • 8+ years software development or testing experience.

  • Solid Knowledge of software testing methodologies such as black/white box testing, chaos testing,

    performance testing.

  • Experience with Unit and automation testing framework like JUnit, Cucumber, Selenium, Appium,


  • Experience of scripting, programming languages like Python, Java, Shell, Perl.

  • The ability to manage multiple test projects at the same time and arrange work tasks according

    to priority.

  • Flexible, independent, and self-motivated.

  • Good English reading and writing skills.

  • Bachelor’s or above degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology, or related


[Recruitment Process and Others]

  • Recruitment Process:
    • Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite Interview - Offer
    • The recruitment process may be different depending on the job and may be changed due to scheduling and circumstances.
  • Others:
    • This job post may be closed early if all openings are filled.
    • If there is any false information in the application, the offer may be cancelled.
    • Veteran status or disability will not result in any disadvantages in the recruitment process.
    • Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage.

[Privacy Notice]

[Document Return Policy]

  • This notification is given pursuant to Article 11 (6) of the Fair Hiring Procedure Act.
  • A job applicant, who has applied but not been finally selected for a position at Coupang (the “Company”), may request the Company to return his/her hiring documents submitted pursuant to the Fair Hiring Procedure Act. However, this will not apply where the hiring documents were submitted via the website of the Company or e-mail, or where the job applicant submitted those documents voluntarily without a request from the Company. In addition, if the hiring documents were destroyed due to a natural disaster or any other reasons not attributable to the Company, such documents will be deemed to have been returned to the job applicant.
  • A job applicant who wishes to request the return of his/her hiring documents pursuant to the main sentence of paragraph 2 above should fill out a “Request for Return of Hiring Documents” [Annex Form No. 3 in the Enforcement Rule of the Fair Hiring Procedure Act] and submit the request to the Company by email ( ) In such case, within fourteen (14) days from the date of identifying the receipt of the request, the Company will send the hiring documents to the job applicant’s designated address via registered mail. Please be informed that the job applicant is required to pay the postage on the registered mail.
  • In preparation for a job applicant’s request for the return of hiring documents pursuant to the main sentence of paragraph 2 above, the Company shall retain the original hiring documents submitted by the job applicant for 180 days from the completion of the recruiting process. If no request is made until the end of this period, all of his/her hiring documents will be destroyed immediately in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.

[Equal Opportunities for All]

Coupang is an equal opportunity employer. Our unprecedented success could not be possible without the valuable inputs of our globally diverse team.